Within the recruitment for vocational training of the unemployed and those who want to change their specialty, we have vacancies in three specialties:
- manicure master;
- hairdresser (hairdresser-stylist);
- The accountant is the only one.
Training will take place offline in educational institutions of Poltava.
To participate, you must fill out the preliminary registration form at the link https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=MnvMYwbOn0eLtHw09Jq0R5Dk072VzhFPnFvASiDPkZJUNko4OVU3WDRUN0xNMFlSQ0lGNkdQR1dNTCQlQCN0PWcu until December 18, 2024 inclusive.
Residents of the Takhtauliv, Suprunivsky, Kovaliv, Gorzhulovsky and the city of Poltava can apply. Training for them will be free of charge. Depending on the direction, it will last about three months. Upon completion of the training, certificates will be issued.
Preference will be given to participants, taking into account the vulnerability criteria. It's about:
- households affected by war (e.g. loss of income, job, property, injury or death of a family member);
- veterans of the war;
- internally displaced persons;
- men and women aged 45+;
- parents with large children;
- people with disabilities;
- other vulnerable categories of the population.
If your application passes the first stage of selection, we will contact you. This will take place within two weeks after the completion of the application process.
If you have questions, complaints or suggestions, please call +38095 030 30 11 or write to support@lightofhope.com.ua.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and implemented by the NGO “Light of Hope” in partnership with JERU (Joint Emergency Response to Emergencies in Ukraine by the international NGOs Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide).