Dmitri (the name of the client has been changed) is in a relationship with his husband. Fearing to be rejected by the environment, due to his own sexual orientation, prevents him from feeling confident and openly sharing his feelings. Perché de ce, no puede aprire a relativas, parentas y, a la médico de família. Although the guy is worried about his health and he wants to undergo regular examinations.
On the advice of an acquaintance, Dmitry turned to the support point in the city. Lubny, where he was met by the social worker of BO “Light of Hope” Boyko Jeanette. She provided Dmitry with information about the services available to him, and also helped to get tested for HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis and screening for tuberculosis. The results turned out to be negative.
Cooperation with a social workeress is an important passage for Dmitry in overcoming feelings of isolation and self-doubt, helped to understand how to act in the event of social pressure, and emphasized the importance of regular examinations.
I dream of living in a free society where there is no place for discrimination and violence. Thanks to the support and resources provided by СO “Light of Hope”, I see how my dream is gradually becoming a reality,— Dmytro, client.
Now Dmitry, together with his partner, periodically visits the service point, where he receives support to prevent discrimination from society, as well as advice and tools for safe relationships.
The Center for Public Health of Ukraine