Specialists of NGO “Light of Hope” with the support of the Department of Culture, Youth and Family of Poltava City Council organized a quest for young people in Poltava. It in game format allows you to go through risky situations that may arise when traveling or looking for work and lead to getting into a situation of human trafficking.

The event was held in the November Day on December 2, the International Day of Struggle for the Abolition of Slavery.
The teams took turns passing the quest stations: from the selection of vacancies to arrival at the place of work. The situations that the participants had to solve on their way were created based on real events. They were about the most common tricks used by human traffickers or exploiters.

“The quest is designed to give each player the knowledge and skills that will help them recognize risky moments in real life and react to them in time and correctly. They gain experience in how to detect deception, who to ask for help, and who should not be trusted. This is the most important thing for us. Therefore, even in the conditions of power outage, in the shelter, we organized a quest and we are glad that we heard positive feedback from the participants,” said Tetiana Pitsenko, coordinator of the anti-trafficking area.

At the station Final, a reflection was held with each team, where the moderator analyzed with the participants the most important moments: where they acted correctly, and where they put themselves in danger. The peculiarity of the quest is that the discussion and the experience gained by the participants are more important than the fact of passing the competition.

“You need to think carefully before making a decision, and not sign something quickly, for example,” — Yaroslav, a student of Poltava State Agrarian University.
“The quest is super. He made it clear that before every decision you need to weigh everything, think” - a student of the Professional College of Management, Economics and Law Vera.
“I realized that when you are adjusted to make a decision, something is wrong. It is necessary to re-read everything again, to reflect”, - Marina, a student of Poltava State Agrarian University.

NGO “Light of Hope” organized the quest as an executive partner in Poltava region of the Representation of the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine. The activities are implemented within the framework of the IOM Mission Protection Program in Ukraine with the support of the Government of Japan.