Do you know what “assertive communication” is?
If you confidently express your thoughts, feelings and needs, but at the same time consider the rights and emotions of others, then you already have this style of communication.
Assertive communication allows you to avoid passivity and aggression, achieving mutual understanding and compromises.
The skills of this style were mastered by the high school students of the Chernihiv community during the trainings organized by NGO “Light of Hope” with the support of the international humanitarian organization “Man in Trouble”.

Through a series of exercises, boys and girls learned to communicate:
- rectilinear, but without manipulation;
- with respect for the person with whom the dialogue is conducted;
- without excessive manifestation of emotions, especially in conflict situations;
- no guilt due to refusal;
- with confidence and a clearly articulated own position.

Adolescents learned to correctly formulate their appeals during conflict situations and interact in a team without insults and manipulations.
They will need new communication skills to improve communication between peers and strengthen leadership positions.

In total, specialists conducted similar trainings in five communities of Poltava and Chernihiv region for about 150 adolescents.